Call of duty 4 walktrough
Call of duty 4 walktrough

To activate the Pack a Punch Machine you’ll need to activate four individual symbols which appear as soon as the artifact is found.

call of duty 4 walktrough

Speaking of…īlack Ops 4: Voyage of Despair Guide – How to unlock the Pack a Punch Machine Once collected, it will spawn all of the pedestals you’ll need to activate to acquire the Pack a Punch Machine. If you’re really having trouble, characters will remark on the artifact’s whereabouts in dialogue once it comes into your field of vision. Located on the opposite side of the ship where you spawn, it can be found on a raised platform after climbing some stairs. This important object can be found in the early stages in Voyage of Despair, and to find it you’ll need to head to the Poop Deck. Black Ops 4: Voyage of Despair Guide – Where to find the artifact Trusted Reviews has compiled a handy variety of guides for Black Ops 4’s Voyage of Despair alongside an essential list of tips and tricks to keep you alive against the undead.

call of duty 4 walktrough

Having covered IX and Blood of the Dead in our previous guides, it’s time to tips and tricks for the utterly titanic Voyage of Despair. That’s especially true for Zombies, which has grown from a humble horde mode into a massive effort spanning three different stages. Despite lacking a solo campaign, there’s plenty here for veterans and newcomers alike to enjoy. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has proven to be an enjoyable outing for the blockbuster shooter series thanks to three, distinct multiplayer modes.

Call of duty 4 walktrough