This means you can now play the entirety of GTA V‘s story in VR with little difficulty. However, a patch has since been dropped to adjust your game’s FOV in virtual reality.

There was something of a blip in development originally, as the mod didn’t scale FOV properly at first. It also overhauls the user interface to make it far more VR friendly. There’s VR support for story missions, cutscenes, free-roaming, and just about anything else you can think of. The REAL mod takes the first-person perspective added by Rockstar back in 2013 and transforms it into a true VR experience. Thanks to developer LukeRoss, you can now play GTA V with full virtual reality support using the REAL mod. Well, a recent mod just went and made that experience even bigger. Keep reading for our 25 best GTA 5 mods on PC, in no particular order.It’s no secret that Grand Theft Auto V is one of the biggest games ever released. Now in order to install the mods themselves - make sure you read the specific instructions - but the gist of it should be as simple as copying the mod files to the main GTA 5 folder.

Asi Loader is essential because it allows you to launch.