Open the “ q3config.cfg” from within your “ baseq3“-directory or – better – edit/create the user specific config file named “ autoexec.cfg” inside the baseq3 directory.Īdd or change the following parameters: Setting So either edit the q3config.cfg or autoexec.cfg from the following path: ~/Library/Application Support/Quake3/ Note: the config files for ioQuake3 are loaded from the Application Support folder.

Manually tweaking Quake 3 config for widescreen high resolution displays 5k), then you still need to modify the Quake 3 config-file. Good news: using the ioquake3 app, changing the game resolution from the Graphics menu works – and provides you with a list of good resolution choices. However, if you really want to run Quake 3 natively to higher screen resolutions (e.g. Regarding playing Quake III Arena on newer computers supporting widescreen and high definition resolutions, there is good and bad news: Configure Quake 3 for widescreen 4k & 5k screen resolutions

Once you have downloaded the pak9hqq36.pk3-file, either copy it directly into your “ baseq3“-directory – or, if you want to keep the original content in place, into a new directory named “ hqq” on the same level as the baseq3 dir is located (basically inside your Q3 game folder).